The forthcoming Workshop on the Use of Admin Data for LMI Statistics is to take place for the first time within the ESS. It is organized by Statistics Poland on 6 - 7 May 2019 in Warsaw.
The workshop is dedicated to labour market statistics referring to enterprise surveys
and is planned to:
- take place in the premises of Statistics Poland;
- be a 1,5-day meeting divided in 4-5 sessions starting from presentations (max. 25 minutes) followed by discussion;
- learn from other countries having the experience and willing to share their knowledge and best practices;
- discuss pros and cons of administrative data use;
- give input for improvements in response burden reduction;
and present:
- how administrative data sources are used for concrete surveys like SES, LCS and LCI;
- the purpose of the use, including survey variables replacement, better coverage of some economic activities, calibration, imputation…;
- the way of creation of data collection system and elaboration of survey results with the use of multiple sources;
- problems met and ways to overcome them;
- consequences for the whole process of data production (e.g. time needed for implementation, possible revisions).
Below you can find key dates concerning the workshop:
- 22 March: Deadline for submitting proposals of contribution
- 29 March: Authors notified of the acceptance of their proposals
- 12 April: Provisional agenda published
- 12 April: Registration opens
- 19 April: Registration for the workshop closes
- 23 April: Deadline for authors to submit final versions of their papers
- 26 April: Deadline for authors to submit final versions of their presentations
- 6–7 May: Workshop